Thursday 9 May 2013

North Korea Poster ~ Ng choon wee

                                            English Poster

English Glogster

Loo Zhong Han (19) North Korean Poster

Save North Koreans!

Plight of North Korea Poster

North Korea poster

North Korea Poster

North Korea

North Korea Poster

North Korea Poster

Tuesday 7 May 2013

Active Listening - Jerrold Wong

1.Yes,I normally chat with people that I am familiar with,so we always have a topic that all of us are involved in to talk about.

2.I can assume that other people also have exciting things to share,and so I have to keep quiet to hear it.

3.I can check to see if I had been through whatever topic they have been talking about.If I do,I can share it with them.If I don't , I will keep quiet and listen to what they had to say.

4.If the friends are close and they have a serious problem,yes.

5.I feel irritated,and  that I am unimportant.

Active Listening

1) Yes
2) Breathe in and out slowly
3) Yes
4) Be patient
5) Concentrate
6) Yes
7) It is rude

Reflection : Ng choon wee

Do you ever find yourself speaking up too soon ? 
Yes sometimes i do find myself to speak up too soon , perhaps out of anxiety.  

If so , how can you clear your mind to fully listening ? 
Do not focus on the things that are not related to the question or the topic that you are listening temporarily.

Do you ever find yourself wanting to jump in because you are eager to share ? 
Yes i do

How can you channel your excitement into listening and wait for the proper opportunity to share ?
Channel that excitement into attention. We should focus our attention on them when they are talking about and listen to them. Pay attention to what they are saying. 

What else can you do to prepare for conversations with others ? 
Think of what to say before the start of the conversation. Think it through and make sure it is appropriate.

Can we ask them up front what they are looking for ? (advice , a sounding board , solutions ) 
Yes , in that case we can get to understand their situation and get to understand them better  

How does it make you feel to be cut of in the middle of your thoughts ? 
Sometimes it is irratating and rude. I think that the person is not listening to what i am saying. 

Active Listening (Zhong Han)

Individual Reflection:

>Do you ever find yourself speaking up too soon?

>If so, how can you clear your mind to fully listen?
To clear your mind, you must erase all thoughts of what you are going to say, or your judgement or opinion. You must focus on getting as much information from the listener as possible.
>Do you ever find yourself wanting to jump in because you are eager to share?
Yes. I might have something to strongly protest if I disagree.
>How can you channel your excitement into listening and wait for the proper opportunity to share?
You must calm yourself down and force yourself to absorb as much information as possible.
>What else can you do to prepare for conversations with others?
You can signal to them to let them show that you are listening. For example, you can nod, respond with a simple 'uh huh', provide feedback, etc.

>Can we ask them up front what they are looking for? (advice, a sounding board, solutions)
No. We must wait for them to finish in order to avoid them getting the full message through.

>How does it make you feel to be cut off in the middle of your thought?
It feels upsetting, because it feels like they do not care about what you are about to say and just put what they are about to say over yours.

Active Listening (Paul)

Do you ever find yourself speaking up too soon?

>If so, How can you clear your mind to fully listen?
We need to not think about other things and focus on what the people are saying.

>Do you ever find find yourself wanting to jump in because you are eager to share?
No. Most of the times, there are other reasons.

>How can you channel your excitement into listening and waiting for the proper opportunity to share?
We can wait for the person to finish talking before barging in.

>What else can you do to prepare for conversations with others?
I can think about what they would say and react to them.

>Can we ask them up front what they are looking for?
We can ask them whether they have any questions or not. We can also know by looking at their reaction.

>How does it make you feel to be cut off in the middle of your thought?
I feels bad so i should not do it as well.

Active Listening

Do you ever find yourself speaking up too soon?
I sometimes find myself speaking up too soon. Especially when I want to point out something the speaker said.

If so, how can you clear your minds to fully listen?
We can make a conscious effort to hear not only the words that another person is saying but, also not allow ourselves to become distracted by our surroundings.

Do you ever find yourself waiting to jump in because you are eager to share?
I do somtimes feel like jumping into the conversation when I wanted to share something as after the speaker told me something, I sometimes have personal experiences related to the topic to tell her.

How can you channel your excitment into listening and wait for the proper opportunity to share?
I can put my excitment aside, focus on the speaker to finish her speech completely before providing good feedback, personal opinion and experiences.

What else can you do to prepare for conversations with others?
We can just think of topics to discuss about before the start of the conversation. During the conversation, we will need to listen attentively and pay attention to the speaker, after they finish speaking, then think of constructive feedback and opinion.

Can we ask them up front what they are looking for?
We can only do this after they finish talking. Most of the time, the speaker would mention it and you would need to pay attention to them so as to know.

How does it make you feel to be cut off in the middle of your thought?
I feel like the person ins't listening to what I'm talking about. And they just want to know certain information. And I won't be able to know whether I talked till.  This will tell me that the person is rude.

Active listening

Do you ever find yourself speaking up too soon? 

  • If so how can you clear your mind to fully listen?
  1. I should try to focus on what the person is saying then respond accordingly 
  • Do you ever find yourself wanting to jump in because you are eager to share?
  1. Yes I do
  • How can you channel your excitement into listening and wait for the proper opportunity to share?
  1. By being for patient 
  • What else can you do to prepare for conversations with others? 
  1. Ask them on what they like and dislikes
  • Can we ask them upfront what they are looking for? (advice, a sounding board, solutions) 
  1. Under some circumstances yes, but some times we on sensitive topics we can't
  • How does it make you feel to be cut off in the middle of your thought?
  1. It makes me feel mad

Active Listening - Bryan Ng

Do you ever find yourself speaking up too soon?


If so, how can your clear your mind to fully listen?

I can try to concentrate to listen to what the speaker has to say by trying to remove all other secondary distractor such as mobile phones.

Do you ever find yourself wanting to jump in because you are eager to share?


How can you channel your excitement into listening and wait for the proper opportunity to share?

I can try to calm down, wait till the person stops talking, then try to tell him my thoughts.

What else can you do to prepare to conversations with others?

Be mentally prepared with questions that the speaker might ask.

Can we ask them up front what they are looking for?


How does it make you feel to be cut off in the middle of your thought?

I will feel irritated.

Active Listening

Did you ever find yourself speaking up too soon?
- Yes.
If so, how can you clear your mind to fully listen?
- I can take a deep breath and calm down.
Do you ever find yourself wanting to jumpin because you are too eager?
- No.
How can you channel your excitement into listening and waiting for the proper opportunity to share?
- I could allow each other to take turns.
What else can you do to prepare for conversations with others?
- Mentally tell myself to control myself.
Can we ask them up front what they are looking for?
- No.
How does it make you feel to be cut off in the middle of your thought?
- Upset.

Active Listening- Cassandra Chai

Do you ever find yourself speaking up too soon?
Yes, I do.

If so, how can you clear your mind to fully listen?
To clear my mind, I should pay attention and understand what the person is saying and how they are saying it.

Do you every find yourself wanting to jump in because you are eager to share?
Yes, I do find myself wanting to jump in because I was eager to share.

How can you channel your excitement into listening and wait for the proper opportunity to share?
I can channel my excitement into listening and wait for the proper opportunity to share by understanding what others are saying until they finish talking.

What else can you do to prepare for conversation with others?
I can prepare for conversations by focusing on the topic, by knowing the topic I can concentrate on what the person is saying and more.

Can we ask them up front what they are looking for?
No, as this is rude and makes a bad impression for ourselves.

How does it make you feel to be cut off in the middle of your thought?
I feel bad when someone cut me off as it seems like what I was saying is not important.

Active listening

Qn1: Do you ever find yourself speaking up too soon?

Qn2: If so, how can you clear your mind to fully listen?
Ans:Thinking only about what the other person is saying.

Qn3: Do you ever find yourself wanting to jump in because you are eager to share?

Qn4: How can you channel your excitement into listening and wait for the proper opportunity to share?
Ans:Think of how what they are saying affects what you are going to say.

Qn5: What else can you do to prepare for conversations with others?
Ans:Plan what you want to say.

Qn6:Can we ask them up for what they are looking for?

Qn7: How does it make you feel to be cut off in the middle of your thoughts?

Active Listening - Bennett Neoh

Do you every find yourself speaking up too soon?


If so, how can you clear your mind to fully listen?

I actually clear my thoughts away and try to concentrate to listen to what the speaker is talking about.

Do you ever find yourself wanting to jump in because you are eager to share?


How can you channel your excitement into listening and wait for the proper opportunity to share?

You can actually wait patiently for the speaker to finish what he wants to say then after that point out what I actually wanna say

What else can you do to prepare for conversations with others?

I can actually think beforehand so that I will be calm and not interrupt the speaker.

Can we ask them up front what they are looking for?

Yes we can

How does it make you feel to be cut off in the middle of your thought?

It is actually frustrating when I am thinking about what I want to say but then I actually can't recall what i actually want to say at the end of the day.

Active Listening

Q1. Do you ever find yourself speaking up too soon?

Q2. If so, how can you clear your mind to fully listen?
 I can avoid saying out what I think too soon.

Q3. Do you ever find yourself wanting to jump in because you are eager to share?

Q4. How can you channel your excitement into listening and wait for the proper opportunity to share?
I can listen to others ideas before sharing my own.

Q5. What else can you do to prepare for conversations with others?
Think of the topic they are starting.

Q6. Can we ask them up front what they are looking for?

Q7. How does it make you feel to be cut off in the middle of your thought?

Active Listening

Question: Do I find myself speaking too soon?
Answer: Yes, sometimes I find myself speaking too soon. It is most likely because I am very excited and want others to know what I have been through/experienced.

Question: How can I clear my mind to fully listen?
Answer: I have to remind myself that the speaker is still talking and place myself in his shoes, if I am speaking, I would not want others to interrupt what I want to say as my train of thoughts would be broken and I would not remember what I want to say. I have to respect the speaker too, so that he or she would respect me when its my turn speaking.

Question: Do you ever find yourself wanting to jump in because you are too excited?
Answer: Yes, definitely! Its just like a 'virus' or should I say habit. We are so prone to such acts that it becomes a habit, that whenever you are placed in the same situation, we would react the same way. Most of the time is it because we are too excited and want other to know what we have been through so that they would admire us.

Question: How can you channel your excitement into listening and wait for the proper opportunity to share?
Answer: We can write it down incase we forgot and when the speaker ended his or her speech, we can say, 'To add on to what (speaker's name) just said, ... ...' that way we can let others know our experience and be respectful to the speaker too! :)

Question: What else can you do to prepare for conversations with others?
Answer: We can write down what we want to say in point forms. That way we can remember it better. Another alternative is making mindmaps in your heads. We must also have a respectful attitude and a listening ear as if we do not listen, we would be able to come up with the appropriate answers to the questions and have a conversation.

Question: Can we ask them up front what they are looking for?
Answer: Yes we should ask them directly instead of beating around the bush. To me, being straight forward is batter than beating around the bush as we would get an answer immediately. I would only beat around the bush if I am shy about the topic etc.

Question: How does it make you feel to be cut off in the middle of your thought?
Answer: I would be very angry and irritated. When I am speaking, I feel that I should receive respect from the audience, thus when it is their turn, I would also give them respect and listen to what they want to say instead and break their train of thoughts.        

Active Listening: Jason Ng(13)

1. Do you find yourself speaking up too soon?

2. If so, how can you clear your mind to fully listen?
    I can by stopping myself from speaking up my point first so that I can process my thoughts more carefully first so that I will not say things that are irrelevant to the lesson.

3. Do you ever find yourself wanting to jump in because you are eager to share?
    Yes, especially when I know the subject very well.

4. How can you channel your excitement into listening and wait for the proper opportunity to share?
    I can do so by waiting for someone to finish a point and then adding on to the idea.

5. What else can you do to prepare for conversations with others?
    I can think of what the other person is going to say and then think of appropriate answers to the topic.

6. Can we ask them up front what we are looking for?
    Yes, as that way, we can understand the topic better instead of slowly investigating into the idea and taking a very long time.

7. How does it make you feel to be cut off in the middle of your thought?
    It makes me feel offended as it usually takes me a very long time to recollect my thoughts.

Active Listening

1) I try to focus on the speaker's words and follow his train of thought.

2) Yes.

3) I keep the speaker's words in my mind.

4) I can keep my mind off of other irrelevant things.

5) Yes

6) It feels like the other person is being very rude.

Individual Reflection: Jeff Lee

Posting for Jeff because he can't.

Do you ever find yourself speaking up too soon? 
Yes, I do.

If so, how can you clear your mind to fully listen?
I would try to hold back what i want to say , as you know, maybe there’s something very important he is gonna say or even something that might cover what i want to say.

How can you channel your excitement into listening and wait for the proper opportunity to share?
I try to concentrate on what he is saying and pay attention to them

What else can you do to prepare for conversations with others?
I can try and think about what i want to say and maybe read up about the topic more about what i want to share

Can we ask them up front what they are looking for?
Maybe not as we might disrupt their flow of thoughts and make them forget what they want to say.

How does it make you feel to be cut off in the middle of your thoughts?
It is kind of irritating as i am trying to think of something and might even forgot about it completely if the person interrupts me.

Indvidual Reflection

Do you ever find yourself speaking up too soon?

Do you ever find yourself wanting to jump in because you are eager to share?

How can you channel your excitement into listening and wait for the proper opportunity to share?
I can pay attention to him by making eye contact with the person who is speaking.

What else can you do to prepare for conversations with others?
I can be alert and try to pay attention to whatever I should be focusing my attention at.

Can we ask them up front what they are looking for?

How does it make you feel to be cut off in the middle of your thought?
Annoyed, Angry.

Active Listening: Individual reflection by Evangeline Wong

Do you ever find yourself speaking up too soon?
Yes. If I can very eager in a subject, I tend to interrupt and tell them my opinion.

If so, how can you clear your mind to fully listen?
I can wait to share my opinions, and focus on the content the speaker is saying instead of my thoughts. 

Do you ever find yourself wanting to jump in because you are eager to share?
Yes. If I am very interested in the topic.

How can you channel your excitement into listening and wait for the proper opportunity to share? 
I can try and ask more questions about what the person is saying so I can get more information.

What else can you do to prepare for conversations with others?
I can try to clear my mind and remind myself not to interrupt.

Can we ask them up for what they are looking for?
Yes. If the conversation is getting too long winded, it is best to get straight to the point.

How does it make you feel to be cut off in the middle of your thoughts?
It is rather annoying as it is hard to get back on my thought process. 

Active Listening

1) Yes.

2) I listen to classical music and relax. I also play games to let loose everything in my mind.

3) Most of the times, I do not know the people talking about the topic, so I do not go in and tell them my opinions.

4) I can think through what I am going to say, so that I do not go in at the wrong time and say the wrong things.

5) Be creative.

6) Yes. We should not beat around the bush.

7) I feel irritated and tend to shun them.